Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Captain Sim 727 v2.3 Pitch Control Hotfix

Speaking of Captain Sim, I recently (finally) got around to upgrading my 727 to v2.3. And wouldn't you know it, I encountered a very nasty bug that a lot of people are tripping over. It seems if you are running FSX SP2, the pitch control on the autopilot no longer works! (FSX Acceleration users will not encounter this problem.) This has to do with the fact that v2.3 now relies on some functionality only present in Acceleration to support the pitch control.

Captain Sim is aware of the issue, and a fix for SP2 users is scheduled to be included in the v2.4 update. In the meantime, a hotfix for this issue is available from their knowledge base.

In other news, I still find the 727 autopilot a little bit wobbly when following VOR radials, even in v2.3. Oh well. Not a major issue, but annoying.

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